Thanks for visiting my blog page! I try to keep this page updated with progress and artwork from my personal and professional CG work. Thanks for stopping by to take a look!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Apache Hi-res model project - 18/07/2011 updates

Finished the nose piece sensor array, I'm planning on putting the lenses in the thermal sensor (bottom right looking front on) on the detail pass towards the end.  I think I'll start working on the top rotor assembly next up.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Apache, High-res model project

I've decided to model an Apache for an updated showreel piece, I've always really liked the aggressive look they have and thought it would make a fun project.  Early days yet but thought I'd put up some WIP's as I go...

03/06/2011 Updates:

Finished blocking out the main body forms, I'll probably do the nose piece then start on the mechanical parts (rear and top rotor assembly, 30mm gun, landing gear) next.